Wednesday, February 25, 2009

THE FOG !!!!!!!

I live in an area called Warm Springs and this morning I can see why it is called that!!! As I was driving my daughter to early morning Seminary this morning around 5:30 am, I noticed a low lying thick fog over the warm river. It wound all the way through the valley, wherever the river was. The Springs are approximately 70 to 80 degrees and this morning the temperature was around 48 degrees and so the cool fog was forming because the air was cooler than the water. It is a pretty sight and so I had to take some pictures. The pictures that I took don't do it justice but hopefully you will be able to see what I mean!!!


Sorena said...

That is pretty cool.
So, is the river and the springs the same thing? It is usually 70 to 80 degrees? That is cool too!

Jeanne Johnson said...

The river flows from the springs and there is a place behind our property that is owned by the Church that is called Warm Springs and they have 2 big pools that are warm that people vacation to. They hold all kinds of camps there and it is a lot of fun!!!