Monday, December 15, 2008

THE BIG 15 !!!!!!

Hallie has reached the ripe old age of 15. We celebrated her birthday on December 14 and had a lot of fun. Since her birthday was on a Sunday this year we went and did some things for her on the Saturday before. She was given $100.00 dollars for her birthday and so she wanted to go and spend it. We went to St. George and went shopping, of course, and then she wanted to go eat at the Olive Garden for dinner. We all enjoyed ourselves and really racked up the bill getting stuffed. That was her first time eating at the Olive Garden and I think she really enjoyed it. Sunday was her actual birthday and so I wrapped up the things that she bought and she opened them that day. She had a fun day at church with everyone telling her happy birthday and even choir practice after church was fun because we all of a sudden had a very large attendance from the young men in our ward and I have to wonder if it was because Hallie is singing in the choir for the Christmas program. Go figure! One more year until she can date and I can hardly wait! Ha, ha!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday! Look how cute she is too! :)