Thursday, December 11, 2008


OK - here goes!!! Tonight my daughter Sadie performed at a Christmas place in Las Vegas called the MAGICAL FOREST!!! We were running late and the traffic in Vegas was horrible, as usual, and we weren't sure where we were going and so it made things even worse. When we arrived, Sadie was able to go right in and we had to wait in a huge line to pay to get in. We were in line for about 20 minutes and it was just about performance time. We were just about to the window when a lady from the line next to ours starts to butt in our line because her credit card wouldn't work at her own window. I asked her if it would be alright if I went ahead and bought my tickets since I was next in line and I was probably going to miss my daughter's performance. She proceeded to tell me how she didn't really care and that the guy had told her to come in this line. I told her that it wasn't my fault and that I would really let her cut in if it weren't for the fact that I was going to miss my daughter's performance that I had just traveled an hour and was going to pay 38 dollars to see. She told me once again that she didn't care and that the world didn't revolve around me and that I was setting a bad example for the kids. Finally to stop myself from just laying into her and dropping her to the ground, I told her to go ahead and thanked her for allowing me to miss my daughter's performance. Hallie and Maison were just laughing and about to say something to her because she just kept on berating me and wouldn't stop. I finally told her that I was really done speaking to her and that she could stop at any time and she just kept going. All of a sudden a nice young girl from the line next to ours told us that we could butt in front of her and go right up to the window. I gave a big laugh in the lady's face and thanked the girl several times for her generosity. We bought our tickets and were lucky enough to make it in time to the performance. Sadie did an awesome job and she was fortunate enough to miss all of the drama. APPARENTLY THE SPIRIT OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON HASN'T HIT A FEW NEVADANS YET!!!!!!!

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